The findings, in a nutshell: women and men apologize at
the same frequency, that is, once a person has decided that they’ve “committed
an offense” (that is, done something that deserves an apology), men and women
apologize at the same rate. And in the
same manner. Yes, the study found, women
do apologize more often, but only because they rate “offenses” differently than
men. Explained Schumann: "It seems to be that when [men] think they've
done something wrong they do apologize just as frequently as when women think
they've done something wrong. It's just that they think they've done fewer
things wrong.”
The study reported: “Female and
male transgressors apologized for an equal proportion of their offenses
(approximately 81%). Moreover, there was no gender difference in how men and women apologized. It appears
that once men and women categorized a behavior as offensive, they were equally
likely to apologize for it, and their apologies were similarly effusive.”
Schumann and colleagues created two studies to examine
the gender differences in apology behavior:
Study #1 involved daily diaries, study #2 asked
participants to evaluate the perceived severity of specific transgressions.
Some examples, from study #2:
Scenario #1: College-aged participants
imagined that they were two days late sending their section of a joint class
assignment to their friend. Because of the delay, their friend had to postpone
studying for a midterm.
Scenario #2: Participants
imagined snapping at their friend after returning home grumpy from school.
Scenario #3: Participants
imagined accidentally waking their friend at 3:00 a.m. Because of the
disturbance, the friend attended a job interview the next morning after only a
few hours of sleep.
As predicted, study #2 revealed that men indeed rate
transgressions less severely than do women.
And why does apology behavior matter? Explained the
researchers: “[Apologies matter because] they reduce anger and aggression and
promote forgiveness and relationship well-being (Darby & Schlenker, 1982; McCullough,
Worthington, & Rachal, 1997; Ohbuchi, Kameda, & Agarie, 1989). Although
apologies are not all-powerful, their general effectiveness suggests that
gender differences in apology behavior could have significant implications for
interpersonal interactions.”
The researchers added: “For example, if women perceive offenses
that their male romantic partners do not notice, women might interpret an absence
of an apology as evidence that their partners are indifferent to their
well-being. Similarly, men may regard their female partners as overly sensitive
and emotional. Unlike previous interpretations that emphasized a gender
difference in willingness to apologize, however, our interpretation does not
imply that one gender is at fault for potential disagreements about whether an
apology should be offered. Rather, we suggest that men and women unwittingly disagree
at an earlier stage in the process: identifying whether or not a transgression
has even occurred.”