Friday, August 17, 2012

What’s the scientific cure for hangovers?

Finally!  A scientific cure for hangovers.  And no, it doesn’t involve drinking the next morning.  Unless it’s water, or juice (possibly, coffee).

In a brilliantly prepared two minute video (available on, Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Medlock reveal what they call “The Scientific Cure for Hangovers,” and walk us through (rather quickly, I must say), what’s going on in your body and which remedies will ease the pain, physiologically speaking.  And at least one expert site ( agrees: forget the pills. Disregard the hair-brained myths. Don’t bother with the burnt toast. Let science show you the way (or, more aptly, the way back).    

Some of their recommendations may surprise you (“hmmm, never heard of that”), others will be all too familiar. But their suggestions are indeed scientifically based and, encouragingly, are in sync with the most popular MD on TV - Dr. Oz.  

In no particularly order:

1. Carb up – Before you drink, carb up.  Eat a good deal of fatty foods and carbohydrates.  It gives the alcohol something to hold on to. 

2. H-too-oh – Before, during and after you drink, drink up. Water. Water. Water. It’s all about processing.  If you can go one-for-one (a full beer, wine or margharita, chased by a full glass of water), go for it. You might take a few more breaks, but your liver will love you in the morning.

3. Clear liquids – where possible, stick to clear liquids. According to Dr. Oz’s web site: “. . . the alcohol you drink should be the color of water.” This is because darker alcohols contain more congeners, which causes hangovers. adds: “Red wine contains tannins, compounds that are known to trigger headaches on some people. Malt liquors, like whiskey, also tend to produce more severe hangovers. If you're worried about how you'll feel in the morning, the gentlest choices are beer and clear liquors, such as vodka and gin.”

4. Beer before Liquor? Moffit-Medlock recommend: “If you’re drinking beer, drink it before liquor.”

5. Did someone say breakfast? The next morning, eat some eeggs, and perhaps some bananas and fruit juice (eggs will soak up liver toxins, bananas will recoup lost electrolytes, fruit juices will rebuild your vitamin supply). Dr. Oz’s web site explains: “If you wake up with a hangover, Dr. Oz says to eat something – especially eggs. ‘Eggs are effective because the eggs, in their yolk, have something called N-acetyl-cysteine,’ he says. ‘What it really is, is a way of giving your body antioxidants, and those antioxidants are critically important to your liver that's going to battle right now trying to cleanse all the junk that's left over.’ ”

6. Aspirin – the next morning, take aspirin, not Tylenol (Tylenol can interfere with liver function and your liver is already working overtime). 

So, before heading to bed, avoid the pasta and the painkillers (better to take them when you wake up). And, in the morning, push aside the Bloody Mary*. Stick with science. Go for steak or pizza before your first martini, and eggs in the AM.  And keep pouring down the H2O.  It’s your best shot. 

* From “More alcohol in the morning does nothing but postpone a hangover. The worst symptoms hit when blood-alcohol levels drop to zero. If you have a screwdriver at breakfast, this moment will just come later in the day.”


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